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Join us in our mission to increase business efficiency through effective queue management.

Grow alongside us by supporting us in our mission. Referral program enables us to extend our solution globally to have a greater impact on businesses and people via the use of efficient tools that allow them to manage visitors effectively and save time of everyone.

Partner programs enable you to earn money and make an impact in business connected with you.

Benefits of Partner Program

Increased Revenue

Partners can generate additional revenue by promoting the company's products or services to their own customers.

Increased Brand Exposure

Partners can help to expand the company's reach and visibility by promoting its brand to their own network of customers.

Access to New Markets

Partners can help the company enter new markets or reach new customers that it may not have been able to reach on its own.

Improved Customer Relationships

Partnering with other companies can help to build stronger relationships with customers by offering them a wider range of products and services.

Cost Savings

Partnering with other companies can help to reduce costs by sharing resources, such as marketing materials, customer service, and technical support.

Knowledge Sharing

Partners can share their expertise and knowledge with each other, leading to new insights and improved business practices.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

By offering customers a wider range of products and services, partner programs can help to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Competitive Advantage

Partnering with other companies can give the company a competitive advantage by offering customers a unique value proposition and differentiating itself from its competitors.

How Referral Program Works

  1. A customer or member is given the opportunity to refer clients to a business by sharing a referral code.
  2. The person being referred signs up or makes a purchase using the referral link or code provided by the customer or member.
  3. The referral is tracked and if the referral meets the conditions outlined by the business (such as making a purchase), the customer or member who made the referral earns the amount specified in the referral agreement.
  4. The business benefits from increased customer acquisition, improved customer relationships, and increased brand exposure.

Eligibility of Referral Programme

All existing clients can participate in the referral program.


Business Coaches

CA Firms

Business Institutes

Others may apply for the referral program and, if chosen, may also refer.

Limitation of Referral Program

  • To be eligible for next year, should refer minimum 10 clients per year
  • The maximum number of referrals you can make in a year is 200 in order to ensure fairness and prevent abuse.
  • Requiring referrals to be referred 2 clients within 1 month of joining program
  • Referral person/organization needs to sign a referral program agreement, which should be renewed every year.

How to Apply for Referral Program

Please fill below form to Apply for Referral Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Apply for the referral program using the form on this page.

The referral system is offered to all existing clients, CA firms, influencers, business coaches, and business organizations.

Sign the referral agreement if E-Token Solution has approved the referral.

We will provide you with a referral code that you must share with a person who purchases services from E-Token Solution.

You will receive an email when someone joins E-Token Solution using your referral code.

The referral amount will be cleared 15 days following the referred client's payment.

Your referral program requires a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 200 referrals per year.

Existing customers are already a member of the E-Token Solution family, thus you cannot refer them.