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Customer Experience

We try our best to make sure customer fill wow with customer experience

  • Pre Sales

    When you make an inquiry, our team will contact you and explain everything about E-Token Solution and our sales, onboarding, and support processes.

  • Onboarding

    Our team will understand your current process and assist you in onboarding and knowing each and every feature of E-Token Solution.

  • Support

    We will offer you support in accordance with your chosen plan and will always be available to you. You can also submit a support request, and we will do our best to respond as soon as possible.

  • Journey

    We will make sure that your journey to E-Token Solution is efficient and adds significant value to your company. We will continue to add new features and improve existing ones to enable you to complete your operations quickly and effectively.

  • Personalize connection

    Our representative will contact you on a monthly basis to learn about your experience with E-Token Solution and to request additional suggestions for how to improve E-Token Solution.

  • Survey

    We will also contact you on a regular basis to conduct a survey in order to gather more information about E-Token Solution's improvement.

  • Milestone

    We will create a milestone that we intend to implement in the future and will allow you to vote on it so that we can prioritize it.

  • Happy Journey

    We use all of our resources and efforts to ensure that you enjoy every moment of your life with us.

Customer Stories That Inspire

Customer who enjoy their journey with us

G K URC - Revolutionizing Queue Management and Service Efficiency

G K URC is a government canteen that serves a large number of government employees daily. With affordable prices and a wide range of food items, it attracts a significant crowd, leading to long queues and inefficient service. To overcome these challenges and enhance the customer experience, G K URC implemented our online appointment booking solution.

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Garve Motors PVT LTD - Streamlining Car Repair Services with E-Token Solution

Garve Motors PVT LTD is a renowned garage specializing in car repairs and maintenance services. With a high volume of customers and complex service requirements, they faced challenges in efficiently managing their operations and providing a seamless experience to their clients. To address these issues, Garve Motors implemented our E-Token solution, transforming their service delivery and customer satisfaction.

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Apparel Trading Co Ltd - Enhancing Visitor Experience and Crowd Management with E-Token Solution

Apparel Trading Co Ltd, located in Dubai, is a popular shopping destination known for its wide range of stores and exciting discount offers. With an upcoming discount offer event, the mall management anticipated a significant influx of visitors and wanted to ensure a smooth and organized shopping experience for everyone. To manage the crowd effectively and enhance visitor experience, Apparel Trading Co Ltd implemented our E-Token Solution.

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Wall of love From Our Customers