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My Company

My Company

All Company-Related Information is configured in this Section Like Business Name, Business Address, Phone No, Mobile Number, Business Email, Business Country, and State. All Information Will Be Shown in The System When an Invoice Is Generated and Here Also We Set The Company's Business Logo and Favicon Icon Specified.

Business Name:

This Configuration Is Used in the System to Represent the Company Name and It Will be used for All Approximants Prints.

Business Address:

This Configuration Is Used In the Full System Where We Have To Use Address Value As Company Address.

Phone No:

This Configuration Is used in the Full System Where We Have To Show the Company's Phone Number. It Is Use In All Appointments Prints.


This Configuration Is used in the Full System Where We Have To Show the Company's Mobile Number. It Is Use In All Appointments Prints.

Business Email Address:

This Configuration is used in the Full System Where We Have To Show the Company's Email Address So All Mail sent From Our System Contains This Email Address as From Email.

Business Country:

This Configuration is used for the business Country.

Business State:

This Configuration is used for the business State.


You Can Do Your Branding By Setting Your Logo. Using This Configuration Setup Your Logo and It Will Appear Everywhere like print appointments.

Favicon Logo:

Favicon Icon is an Icon that Appears at the top of our Browser Window Before the Address Box. We Can Set That Image With This Setting.